I-94 Burns to Barrett - 
Traffic Signal Design

The I-94 Modernization Project addresses the reconstruction of the I-94 freeway in Detroit from east of the I-96/I-94 interchange to east of Conner Avenue. The overall project includes 67 bridges and two major interchanges at M-10 (Lodge) and I-75 (Chrysler) freeways.

Cincar Consulting Group, LLC (C2G) was brought in under the MDOT Small Business On-Call contract to aid in the traffic signal design efforts within the Burns to Barrett design segment of I-94. C2G will be responsible for the full modernization and modification of eight (8) MDOT and City of Detroit owned traffic signals: 

  • M-3 and EB I-94 Ramp 
  • M-3 and WB I-94 Ramp
  • M-3 and McClellan
  • M-3 and Harper 
  • Harper and Cadillac 
  • Shoemaker and Conner 
  • French and I-94 EB Service Road 
  • French and I-94 WB Service Road

The traffic signals along Gratiot will be designed to incorporate the ATSC detection that MDOT is installing along US-12 (Michigan Avenue) and M-3 (Gratiot Avenue) to aid in reducing congestion during construction.  

  • Traffic Signal Design
  • Utility Coordination
  • Cost Estimating

As part of the MDOT Small Business program requirements, C2G will participate in the MDOT SBE Training Program and Curriculum and technical training modules that aim to align small businesses with MDOT best practices.  

Lauren Warren, PE, PTOE, PMP

Traffic Signal Design

key staff

Project Facts

Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)


Oakland County, MI



key staff

Project Facts

Traffic Signal Design


Oakland County, MI


Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT)


Lauren Warren, PE, PTOE, PMP