Cincar Consulting Group, LLC (C2G) is providing staff support to NCDOT’s Environmental Analysis Unit, specifically the Public Involvement, Community Studies and Visualization (PICSViz) Group. Work includes the review of Community Studies draft reports and the Community Studies portion of draft environmental documents produced by consulting firms working for NCDOT. In addition, C2G is assisting in production of individual reports, studies, and tools; assisting with public involvement planning and public meetings, process improvement efforts, the ATLAS project, and similar process- and product-related tasks that would otherwise be done by Community Studies and Public Involvement staff.
C2G’s first assignment was to conduct a best practices review of plans and programs developed to assess equity for regional transportation and planning organizations. C2G prepared a report summarizing plans for four large urban areas: Charlotte, Atlanta, DC Metro area, and Greater Philadelphia region. The report compared the commonalities and differences between the plans and program and highlighted elements that could be appropriate for use in North Carolina.
Additional assignments have included assisting NCDOT staff in the preparation of public involvement materials for Division projects.