Capital Budget Support Services

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) provides Metrorail and Metrobus services throughout the greater Washington metropolitan area. WMATA is the second largest rail transit system and the sixth largest bus network in the U.S. Cincar Consulting Group, LLC (C2G) is part of a consulting team that WMATA retained to evaluate its capital budgeting and funding processes and to identify improvements and alternative approaches to enhance WMATA’s ability to efficiently fund, finance, develop and report on capital program delivery consistent with program requirements. 

C2G is providing support to the following:
  • Reviewing and cataloging all funding agreements, board polices, and compliance requirements with a list of deliverables and schedules 
  • Optimization, Prioritization, and Alignment of Funding and Financing

C2G completed an analysis of WMATA Capital Investment Programs (CIP) from FY2018 through FY2021, by spatially representing the CIPs on a Geographic Information System (GIS) digital base map network. This process, often referred to as geocoding, provided a platform for spatial identification and analysis of the 2018 – 2021 CIP investments. It was an effective and powerful tool to spatially analyze and relate these investments with important socio – economic factors such as population, job centers, accessibility and a variety of other demographic details that previously were difficult to spatially analyze. 

Adiele Nwankwo, Ph.D.

GIS Mapping & Analysis
Program Management

key staff
Project Facts

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit (WMATA)


Washington, D.C.



Tina Roberts

Arron Davis

Arron Davis

key staff

Project Facts

GIS Mapping & Analysis
Program Management


Washington, D.C.


Washington Metropolitan Area Transit (WMATA)


Adiele Nwankwo, Ph.D.

Tina Roberts